Break generational curses off your bloodline

it ends with you

Ready to do the work?

  • 1:1 Intuitive Guidance

    Work one-on-one with Intuitive Coach, Ashley to get guidance on how to navigate your ancestral healing journey.

  • Ancestral Readings

    Get clarity, support, and guidance from your ancestors through channeled messages.

  • Private Meditation Sessions

    Immerse yourself in a personalized guided meditation session crafted to meet your healing needs.

“Our Ancestors knew that healing comes in cycles and circles. One generation carries the pain so that the next can live and heal.”

— Gemma B. Benson

GET ONE-ON-ONE intuitive guidance

take the first step TOWARDS HEALING ancestral wounds


If you desire to get clarity on what generational cycles are showing up in your life, I will provide you with divine guidance from your ancestors on what may be blocking your growth and how you can begin your ancestral healing journey through an intuitive tarot/oracle reading.

Book an Ancestral Reading

NEED guidance with a specific issue?

If you’re seeking divine guidance in your ancestral healing, I will listen to your lived experiences and use my intuition to discern if you need assistance with self-awareness, accountability, willingness to heal, or divine wisdom from your ancestors, guides, and spirit team.

Book an Intuitive Guidance Session

reiki energy healing

Ancestral trauma lives not only in our blood but in our physical bodies. We carry wounds from generations back that our conscious mind can’t even recognize. I offer reiki energy healing to assist on your healing journey and release emotional, physical, and energetic blockages that no longer serve you.


GET SUPPORT in YOUR HEALING with community

Explore holistic wellness and ancestral healing with other like-minded individuals who are on the journey with you. Join us for in-person and online meditation sessions, creating a sanctuary for inner peace and growth. Delve into workshops designed to foster a safe space for healing specifically tailored for Black women. Connect with the cycles of the cosmos in our new moon and full moon gatherings, where we come together to set intentions and manifest our dreams. Experience community, support, and transformation with us each month.

What are clients saying?

  • "Ashley creates an environment where you feel safe to open up, she leads with compassion so you’re able to tune into your body, and ends each session leaving you feeling empowered. I can’t wait for the next one!”

    — Latisha H.

  • “Ashley has such a beautiful energy and her space feels like a spiritual hug that was way needed. I needed to ground and she provided a very safe space. I will definitely be bragging on her to those who need grounding and a beautiful spiritual insightful energy. It granted me the peace I needed.”

    — Laysha

  • "When I meditate at home I have trouble keeping my mind quiet and get easily distracted. But here, I feel so comfortable and at peace."

    — Keisha

UPCOMING gatherings