$175 · 60 minutes

Do you feel called to break generational curses? It’s time to do the work because it ends with you. Get one-on-one intuitive guidance on where to start in your ancestral healing.

I will listen to your lived experiences and use my intuition to discern if you need assistance with self-awareness, accountability, willingness to heal, or divine wisdom from your ancestors, guides, and spirit team.

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my approach

Ancestral shadows, wounds, and trauma will continue to be passed on from generation to generation until someone is courageous enough to stop and do the inner work. My holistic approach guides melanated women through their ancestral healing to begin breaking unhealthy generational cycles.

  • Navigating life’s obstacles can be overwhelming when you don’t know what you’re feeling or how to handle your emotions. Becoming self-aware of your emotions increases your ability to begin healing.

  • Accountability is the currency that will lead you to an abundance of healing. Healing constantly gives by providing you with lessons, growth, and new knowledge about yourself, others, and your experiences.

  • Ancestral trauma not only shows up in the mind but in the body and spirit as well. Holistic healing shows compassion for your whole being. You must heal ancestral pain from the inside out.

  • Divine wisdom provides you with guidance from your ancestors that understand the weight of the pain you’re carrying. Accessing their knowledge is a bonus and gives you insight into how to navigate your ancestral healing.