welcome home

  • At Asha’s Garden, we plant the seeds of healing with care, nurturing spaces where transformation flourishes for generations to come. With love and intention, we cultivate safe havens for black women to embark on the journey of self-discovery and holistic wellness.

  • Greetings, I’m Ashley Goode, the heart and soul behind Asha’s Garden. As a queer mystic, Hoodoo, and devoted seeker of divine knowledge, I walk the path of an Intuitive Energy Healer and Multi-dimensional Psychic Medium. My calling is to guide black women on holistic journeys by addressing ancestral wounds, activating self-healing, and reconnecting with their ancestors and spirit guides.

  • My journey began in the confines of the Christian community as a prophetic seer. Feeling restricted by religious boundaries, I embarked on a quest to align with my authentic self as a queer black woman with spiritual gifts. Exploring practices such as Hoodoo, reiki, yoga, and meditation, I confronted ancestral trauma and rediscovered my divine essence. This journey led me to embrace my higher self, Asha, and dedicate myself to guiding others on their paths to holistic wellness.

    When I’m not facilitating healing spaces, you can find me communing with nature, embracing creativity, or running my book club for black women. Through writing, dancing, and various forms of expression, I reconnect with my inner child and celebrate the joy of self-discovery.

    Welcome to Asha’s Garden, where healing blooms and souls flourish.

  • As a conduit of spirit, I receive divine messages and collaborate with my spirit team to facilitate healing. With my multi-dimensional mediumship abilities, I communicate with various realms, including Source, ancestors, spirit guides, angelic beings, and more. Through Reiki energy healing, meditation, and channeling, I offer a diverse toolkit to support your healing journey.

  • - Certified Reiki Level 2 Practitioner

    - Certified Medium

    - Meditation Guide

    - Workshop Facilitator

    - Somatic Healer

    - Certified Doula

  • At Asha’s Garden, we provide spirit-led somatic healing, offering individual and group sessions, monthly classes, and workshops to foster safe healing spaces for black women. Our mission is rooted in collective healing and empowerment, providing support through diverse modalities and creating inclusive environments for growth and transformation.

My Approach

Ancestral shadows, wounds, and trauma will continue to be passed on from generation to generation until someone is courageous enough to stop and do the inner work. My holistic approach guides melanated women through their ancestral healing to begin breaking unhealthy generational cycles.


Navigating life’s obstacles can be overwhelming when you don’t know what you’re feeling or how to handle your emotions. Becoming self-aware of your emotions increases your ability to begin healing.


Accountability is the currency that will lead you to an abundance of healing. Healing constantly gives by providing you with lessons, growth, and new knowledge about yourself, others, and your experiences.

holistic healing

Ancestral trauma not only shows up in the mind but in the body and spirit as well. Holistic healing shows compassion for your whole being. You must heal ancestral pain from the inside out.

divine wisdom

Divine wisdom provides you with guidance from your ancestors that understand the weight of the pain you’re carrying. Accessing their knowledge is a bonus and gives you insight into how to navigate your ancestral healing.

Our Services

  • Experience personalized healing and guidance with my 1:1 sessions.

    Tailored to your unique needs, my offerings include Meditation Healing Sessions, Reiki Energy Healing, Ancestral Readings, and Intuitive Guidance Coaching. Each service is personalized for your individual growth and wellness.

  • Elevate your collective energy and foster healing within your community through our group session offerings.

    Immerse yourself in transformative group meditation sessions, tailored to your tribe's needs, whether it's for a class, retreat, conference, or a curated workshop for you and your loved ones.

  • Embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment with our monthly workshops and classes.

    Join us for in-person and online meditation sessions, and workshops designed to foster a safe space for healing specifically tailored for Black women. Connect with the cycles of the cosmos in our new moon and full moon gatherings, where we come together to set intentions and manifest our dreams. Experience community, support, and transformation with us each month.