reiki energy healing

Reiki is an ancient Japanese energy healing modality that’s been used to heal, bring balance, and shift energy for the betterment of people, situations, and environments. As a Reiki Level 2 Practitioner, I tap into the energy of the divine, your benevolent ancestors, and guides through my hands to encourage emotional or physical healing.

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in-person reiki session

$150 · 50 minutes (in-person)

Whether your energy needs cleansing, chakras need balancing, or you're looking to become more spiritually clear, we will identify your path toward healing by highlighting emotional, energetic, and physical obstructions. This form of energy healing also can help relieve physical pain and emotional blocks. You will leave feeling renewed with a greater sense of self-awareness to begin your healing. This in-person session is for those within the Greater Charlotte, North Carolina area.

distance reiki healing

$65 · Available from anywhere

Receive reiki healing from a distance to help cleanse, reset, or boost your energy for the day. You don’t have to be available locally to receive energy healing, you can receive it from anywhere in the world.

This is a long-distance healing session that happens anytime on Wednesdays — all you have to do is complete your booking and let me know what time of day you would like to receive your healing. Please select a moment when you will be resting and relaxed - this can be before you start your day or even when you’re winding down for the night.